Lincoln County covers an area of 2,586.39 sq mi. It is domicile to more than 6K people with an amalgamation of White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others. It houses more than 2K households and 1.3K family units. Hugo is the county seat and Limon is the largest city. The county was named in the honor of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. It was founded in the year 1889.
Today you can explore ancestral and genealogical data easily and instantly from Lincoln County data archive to make the entire process of online research more comfortable, effortless and faster than ever before. Here you can gain huge amount of information on last will and estate data, martial service, birth, separation decree information, court public documents, marriage, bereavement reports, ancestral SSN, land allotment, naturalization and immigration details, civil war particulars, census and many more. Thus if you really wish to accomplish your dreams, you have to delve into this vast public county records archive now!