Summit County was created in the year 1861 and took its name from Continental Divide. It encompasses an area of 619.25 sq mi. The territory is home to more than 23K people with different races White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others. More than 9K households and 4K family units reside in this region. Breckenridge is the county seat and the largest city.
Things have definitely changed these days with Summit County data search tool where one can easily get all the essential information at a glance. Varied and fruitful statistics regarding vital, public and genealogical aspects together encapsulate information on military service and employment details, birth and origin history, civil court proceedings, land assessment records, census data, immigration and naturalization minutes, marital status and divorce decree, death and obituary reports, last will, ancestral Social Security Numbers, probates and liens figures that eventually decide many socio-economical issues. So, let's begin analyzing the rich collection of multiple data to get the important facts and facets of one's own life in a more contented way!